Happy New Year!

image1-6Happy 2017, dear readers! I’m sorry if you think I abandoned you, I just had a really busy Christmas season, as I’m sure you can all relate to! I hope you all had a wonderful time with family and friends. : )

And now it’s 2017! A new year. It’s funny how even though technically January 1st is just like any other day, the date does flip a mental switch in many of us and gets us thinking about and evaluating our lives. I’m not usually one for making official “resolutions,” but I do have some things I’ve been thinking about for the coming year.

There are lots of things changing in our family’s lives right now, and this year will hopefully bring some of those changes to fruition! My hope is that we, as a family, diligently seek God’s best plan for our lives and intentionally do what He wants us to do in order to make that happen. I pray that we would keep our minds and our ears open so that we don’t miss any opportunities He has for us. And then that we would grab hold of them!

My other aspiration for 2017 is to be more motivated. In many ways I feel like for the past month or two I’ve been doing more ‘floating through life’ than ‘making waves.’ I haven’t been making as many efforts in areas such as relationships, my spiritual life, work, and others. I’m not really sure why I’ve felt unmotivated–maybe I was just tired–but my first step towards getting back that motivation is to intentionally draw nearer to God. I know from experience that the better my relationship is with Him, the better EVERYTHING in my life is! So, to be the best I can be, that’s where I’m going to start.

What about you? What are your hopes or goals for this year? I’d love to hear them. We can do it! Here’s to a great 2017!